The latest about my novel, No, You’re Crazy, released in May, 2023.
Jeff Beamish honored at New York City Big Book Awards Ceremony
Author Jeff Beamish accepted the award for the best work of visionary fiction at the New York City Big Book Awards ceremony in Newark, New Jersey on June 24, 2024. Dozens of authors from as far away as China, India and Australia accepted fiction and non-fiction awards at the event. No, You’re Crazy was also the 2023 Hollywood Book Festival Award runner-up for general fiction and the 2023 Beach Book Festival Award runner-up for general fiction. It also received honorable mention in the fiction category in the 2023 Royal Dragonfly Book Award.

No, You’re Crazy wins a 2023 New York City Big Book Award
No, You’re Crazy was named winner in the visionary fiction category of the 2023 New York City Big Book Awards, for independently and traditionally published authors, publishers, big and small presses. Visionary fiction is a fiction genre with New Age or mind, body, spirit themes and perspectives, including consciousness expansion, spirituality, mysticism, and parapsychology. It is sometimes classed as a subtype of speculative fiction. No, You’re Crazy is also the 2023 Hollywood Book Festival Award runner-up for general fiction and the 2023 Beach Book Festival Award runner-up for general fiction. It also received honorable mentions in the 2023 New York and San Francisco book festival awards. Click here for a list of 2023 NYC Big Book winners.

No, You’re Crazy a finalist in the 2023 Hollywood Book Festival awards
No, You’re Crazy was named runner-up in the general fiction category in the 2023 Hollywood Book Festival awards, which honor books worthy of further attention from the film, television and multimedia communities. (See the full list of winners here.) Earlier, it also received honorable mentions in the 2023 New York and San Francisco book festival awards.

No, You’re Crazy a finalist in the 2023 Beach Book Festival awards
No, You’re Crazy was named runner-up in the general fiction category in the 2023 Beach Book Festival awards, which celebrate the summer’s hottest reads.

No, You’re Crazy launched with a seaside reading
No, You’re Crazy, my latest novel, was launched May 30, 2023 with a reading in my hometown of Surrey, B.C. About sixty people gathered to hear me read excerpts from the novel and explain the inspiration behind it. No, You’re Crazy can be ordered on Amazon, Indigo, Barnes & Noble, and other book-selling websites.

An interview with me about the inspiration for No, You’re Crazy
Literary Titan interviewed me in June about identity and the role it played in writing a teenaged character who believes she’s clairvoyant. Click here to see the full interview.
Novels that helped influence me in writing, No, You’re Crazy
Which books helped inspire me to write my new novel, No, You’re Crazy, which is scheduled for release next May? See my recent article in, a year-old website focused on book reviews.